Saturday, February 1, 2014

WHO SENT JEUNG HUNG SING TO FUT SAN? by Sifu McCarthy 2/01/2014

     The year 1867 was the only time Jeung Hung Sing was mentioned in Chan Heung's records.  And, the only thing stated was that he returned to Fut San to re-open his Hung Sing Kwoon.  It's at this point that Chan Heung related branches assume-for some unknown reason-that this was the time Chan Heung sent him to Fut San.  Another big mistake is they also say Chan Heung sent him to Fut San to take over as the successor of Chan Din Foon's school because he went blind.  However much of this is untrue when viewed from the perspective of Jeung Hung Sing's Fut San Hung Sing Kwoon. 
     Again, Chan Heung's records only say Jeung Hung Sing returned to Fut San to re-open his Hung Sing Kwoon in 1867.  Still, not much thought was put into that statement because Jeung Hung Sing  clearly returned to "RE-OPEN" his school that he previously established in 1851, but closed it down due to the Tai Ping Rebellion.   It wasn't possible for Jeung Hung Sing to take over Chan Din Foon's school in 1867 because he didn't go blind until 1875.   As well, Jeung Hung Sing was already in Fut San from 1867 to 1875 so Chan Heung couldn't have sent him there since he was already there in the first place.

     The truth of the matter is, in 1849 the Green Grass Monk was the one to send Jeung Hung Sing to the city of Fut San.  He basically had three instructions.  1) Go to Fut San and make contact with the triad leaders, 2) open a school using the "Hung Sing" name, 3) prepare the revolutionary fighters for war.   That was his purpose in the city of Fut San and not the false story of Chan Heung sending him there to open and represent the "Great Sage" school.  If the opposite were true, there would have been absolutely no reason for Jeung Hung Sing to take down the Great Sage name and replace it with his Glorious Victory school's name.   

     Why did Jeung Hung Sing need to return to Fut San and re-open his school for in the first place, right? Well, at the end of the Tai Ping Rebellion in 1864, the soldiers of Qing Empire were hunting for rebels.  Although they left at separate times, in between the years 1864 to 1867 they fled to Hong Kong to wait until things cooled down enough for them to return to King  Mui and Fut San.  The three years they spent in Hong Kong catching up on things was long enough for Jeung Hung Sing to re-enter the Choy Lee Fut picture.  Except, this time he came back as a co-founder of sorts because of his contributions to the further advancement of the Choy Lee Fut system.

     Perhaps in the time they spent together in Hong Kong, maybe Chan Heung and Jeung Hung Sing discussed choosing a new name of his school.  Because if Jeung Hung Sing was going to re-open it he was going to need a new name so not to draw attention to himself.    Then in 1867 they returned to their respective schools to pick up where they left off.  Except now, Choy Lee Fut has sprouted a new and separate branch called Hung Sing Choy Lee Fut, founded by Jeung Hung Sing.  Hopefully, this will put who sent Jeung Hung Sing to Fut San to rest as we've always claimed from the beginning, it was the Green Grass Monk who sent Jeung Hung Sing to the city of Fut San. 

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